
Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Weightloss Wednesday #5- One Month!

One month in and this past week has been the hardest one yet. I can blame it on Easter, or the long weekend, seeing friends daily, or the fact that Kyle has been home, but there are no excuses for the level of cheat we've reached this week. I don't even want to think back and list all the terrible decisions we've made, but to name a few- donairs (twice), french fries, and something called "The Kitchen Sink" which I will leave to your imagination, so I don't trigger you and send you out to go get one. On top of it all, we haven't hit the gym nearly as much as we should have. I guess you could say this week was a bust.

-We know what we have done, we know there are consequences, and we are STILL COMMITTED to working on our healthy lifestyle
-I was told that I looked like I was losing weight and to keep doing whatever I was doing
-I got Kyle to try a roasted chickpea. My love is very picky and doesn't like to try new foods. My roasted chickpeas smelled so good that I was able to convince him. It's the little things.
- I have totally broken the bad snacks and TV habit. I used to "need" to eat while I watched TV. It was always sugary or fried, and I would watch WAY more TV than I do now. Bad equation.

I am very happy that despite the terrible week we subjected ourselves to, there are still positives that I can reflect on and be proud of.

Okay, here's the moment of truth- weekly weigh in and monthly measurements (ughhh satisfying accidental alliteration).

Starting Weight- 250.6lbs
Current Weight- 245.4lbs
Total Lost- 5.2 lbs

Arm- 40cm (+1cm)
Bust-125cm (+2cm)
Waist-107cm (+4.5cm)
Hips- 133cm (+1.5cm)
Thigh- 77.25cm (-.05cm)
Knee- 42.2cm (+.9cm)
Calf- 46.5cm  (+1.5cm)
Ankle- 25cm (-.3cm)

Well, that's disappointing. I have been working really hard at becoming a more healthy person and (aside from this last week) I thought I was doing pretty well. I wonder if a person could gain in their measurements based on water weight, or how much "that time of the month" can affect those things. I may try measurements again 2 weeks from now to see if anything changes, but we'll see. I'm interested to see what another month will bring. Now that we got all that crappy eating out of our systems, we should be able to better commit ourselves and cheat less within the next few weeks!

Aaaand, a little ecard humour to brighten the mood and lift my own spirits. Be good to yourself and don't eat kitchen sinks!

Funny Weightloss ecard goals

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